Reinforcement Learning For The Rest Of Us

Delmer Ransonet


Reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on agents that act in an environment, with the aim of maximizing a numerical reward. Reinforcement Learning can be applied to solve problems in any domain where you want an agent to learn how to do something.

Reinforcement Learning has been used in autonomous vehicles, robots, games and many other applications

Reinforcement Learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on agents that act in an environment, with the aim of maximizing a numerical reward.

Reinforcement learning is a subfield of machine learning that focuses on agents that act in an environment, with the aim of maximizing a numerical reward. Reinforcement learning differs from supervised and unsupervised learning in that there is no teacher or supervisor to provide feedback on whether your actions were correct or not. Instead, you must learn to improve your performance by trial and error; this makes it challenging for humans (and machines) because it requires us to be patient when waiting for results from our actions but also give up quickly when things aren’t going well!

The main applications are found in robotics where the robot needs some form of autonomy so that we don’t need someone holding its hand every step along its way through life’s journey – think about autonomous cars driving around town without anyone behind their wheel! You can also think about other settings such as games like chess where computers play against each other while trying out different strategies until one wins over another by making moves which lead towards victory.”

Reinforcement Learning can be applied to solve problems in any domain where you want an agent to learn how to do something.

Reinforcement Learning can be applied to solve problems in any domain where you want an agent to learn how to do something. It’s a very flexible type of machine learning that can be used in games, autonomous vehicles, robots and many other applications.

Reinforcement Learning has been used in autonomous vehicles, robots, games and many other applications.

Reinforcement Learning has been used in autonomous vehicles, robots, games and many other applications.

In this article we’ll explore some of the basic concepts of Reinforcement Learning and show how you can apply them to your own projects.

Reinforcement learning is a very flexible type of machine learning that can be applied to solve a huge range of problems

Reinforcement learning is a very flexible type of machine learning that can be applied to solve a huge range of problems. It’s been used in autonomous vehicles, robots, games and many other applications.

In this article, we’ll talk about how reinforcement learning works and how it can be used for your own projects.


Reinforcement Learning is a very flexible type of machine learning that can be applied to solve a huge range of problems. The core idea behind reinforcement learning is simple: the agent learns by interacting with its environment and receiving rewards for certain behaviors. These rewards are used as feedback signals that inform how well the agent is doing each step along its path towards completing its goal (or finding an optimal strategy).

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